Trees AND Trails: Modoc Multi-Use Path Project Approved to Proceed!

The Modoc Multi-Use Path project, phase II will proceed to the next stages of detailed design and stakeholder engagement, following a unanimous vote by the County Board of Supervisors on November 1st, approving the Revised Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) environmental document and in favor of Path Alignment B, which would provide more of a Path separation from the road and requires much less tree removal than Alignment A. With the approval of the Revised MND, the County Public Works project team can now work more closely with the Land Trust for Santa Barbara County, the La Cumbre Mutual Water Company and other stakeholders to advance to more detailed design specifications that will strike the important balance of optimized safety and access for Path users and minimized tree loss and other ecological impacts to the Modoc Preserve. If the required easement to allow Alignment B cannot be found to be feasible by the Land Trust and Water Company, the Supervisors directed staff to return to the Board if Alignment A must be pursued instead. MOVE Santa Barbara County looks forward to continued engagement with County staff as the detailed design plans are carved out so we can provide our input and feedback for a Path design that most optimizes user access, safety, equity and inclusivity as we finally close this critical gap in the CA Coastal Trail. Big thanks to all the individuals and partner organizations who voiced their support in person, online and via E-Mail and joint support letters. We also thank the Public Works project team and the County Supervisors for their vision to see this state-grant-funded project through to completion while achieving the balance…for we CAN have both “Trees and Trails!”
For more information, visit the project webpage here.